Paternity fraud is a hot topic . If you have searched for blogs about paternity and child support, you know there are numerous pages dedicated to protecting alleged fathers from “paternity fraud.”
In many people’s eyes, there are too many cases of men paying child support who do not need to be. This is a frustrating problem that can possibly be prevented by DNA paternity testing before support decisions are made. An example of an advocacy group working tirelessly to prevent and stop “fathers” being required to pay for children who are not their own is the US-CAPF (United States Citizens Against Paternity Fraud). Their website is
Keep in mind that in addition to women naming fathers incorrectly, there are also plenty plenty of examples of men dodging paying child support in cases where they are known to be the father of child. This is paternity fraud too!
It’s an issue that plagues not only American courts but courts worldwide. What is the answer? Mandatory paternity testing at birth? If that’s not the answer, then what is? It’s a heated debate, for sure, and one that the courts ultimately may need to decide.
At IDENTIGENE we strive to help provide answers for all types of questions that require DNA testing. If you have questions regarding paternity or other relationships, please feel free to contact us to assist you in starting the DNA Testing process.
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