DNA paternity testing kits have been available at your local pharmacy here in the U.S. for some time now. It’s no longer a shock to see the IDENTIGENE DNA Test kits when you walk into your local pharmacies. DNA testing has made a name for itself all over the country and for those in need of a DNA test, this has come as a welcome surprise.
DNA Paternity Testing in the U.K
Today the media is full of activity with news of a paternity test kits now being sold at Boots in the U.K.Talk of DIY paternity tests on Twitter or Facebook in the U.K seems to be all the rage. There are also questions being asked if the U.K is ready for this advancement to home paternity tests.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kate, Kate. Kate said: Paternity tests sold over-the-counter in the U.K http://bit.ly/eX3yFF […]