Studying Buying Behavior Can Determine Likelihood of Pregnancy
A recent FORBES article revealed the power behind consumer purchase. It highlighted a story where a dad complained to a major retailer about them sending his teenage daughter coupons for baby items. He worried that she would be enticed to get pregnant because of the advertisements for cribs and diapers. Much to his surprise, his daughter was pregnant and unfortunately the retailer figured it out before he did.
The article is correct, as long as we are using credit cards, what we purchase and where is totally traceable. In some cases, it is appreciated and it saves us time and money (if they send us coupons). In others, it is unsettling because you don’t know what is legitimate and what could be a scam - especially when it comes through via email or if it isn’t a major retailer or a familiar brand.
There’s a wealth of research on the impact of a father’s absence on children. For some, a father’s absence can leave a permanent ache. But let’s remember that family support, education, hard work and perseverance can help overcome any obstacle and lead to great success.
Looking ahead to Monday’s President’s Day holiday, I investigated the idea of fatherless presidents. It turns out there are several of them. And other famous fatherless people? Plenty of those, too. This list is by no means comprehensive, but I wanted to share some names that I found very interesting. (Fatherless by means of father’s death, incarceration, non-shared custody, father abandonment or basic lack of parental involvement from biological father).
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